I've been crocheting! I finished this afghan a month or so ago, and am just now getting around to getting a picture of it. I started this patriotic afghan YEARS ago (heehee) when I was still living in an apartment. I've been in this house six years (my anniversary of home ownership was on September 30th!) so that tells you just how long it took. Actually, I stopped working on it around the same time I moved in to the house, so really it was a UFO (unfinished object). I looked at the basket it was in all the time, and kept saying, I should really finish that...

Well, I finally went to the basket and as I looked through it I realized I only had one square left if I decided to make it smaller than the instructions said. So I finshed the last square and sewed them all together and did the border. It only took a weekend to finish up. Finally an accomplishment!
I started another afghan to put on my new couch (pictures to come soon!) to protect it from Dexter's claws. Mom and I have kept his nails trimmed and so far he has not taken interest in shredding the new furniture, hopefully he will continue to use his scratch pad. I so far have made 25 of these squares:

I only have 10 more squares to go and then sew together and do the border. I'm trying to sew them together as I go so it's not too overwhelming. I have been crocheting on and off for a really long time, and when I get into it I really enjoy it. My favorite projects are the Q-hook ones that use the big fat hook and three strands of yarn held together as one. They really whip up fast! I once did an afghan in a weekend!
Anyway, when I finish the latest afghan I will post a picture. Maybe I will see if I can get pictures of the other afghans I've made over the years. Take care!